Lot of great things in this article and hopefully this will lead to greater things. A pedestrian bridge, rail transit, traffic circles!!!! Great for downtown Edmond. Really hope this gains some steam.

Another idea is to make downtown more pedestrian friendly with fewer cars. An illustration showed cars parking diagonally down the middle of the street with the current two lane traffic on both sides reduced to single lanes.
The proposed Pedestrian Bridge is also part of the master plan, Forrest said. The bridge would be east of the railroad tracks crossing West Edmond Road where it would link to more parking, he said.
The Downtown Master Plan considers water features and a possible railway transit station being studied for an area south of Edmond Road and west of Broadway, said Forrest, a commercial Realtor. A traffic circle is recommended to be at Fifth Street and Broadway to signal people they are entering the downtown district, Forrest said.
City plans to hire downtown consultant » Local News » The Edmond Sun