As you may have read, we are abandoning the Premium Member System, in favor of a system that reflects better our overall purpose for the system to begin with. The Premium Membership System was created to try to raise money to offset the operating expenses of this site. Unfortunately, many didn't understand the concept, and viewed it more as a profit-making model.
We are in the process of switching to "Contributor Model" which will better reflect our attempts at soliciting donations from our users.
We will be building a donation page in the next few days. Our thoughts are to post our monthly expenses with a donation bar next to each item so a person can donate to one of several items such as:
Operating Expenses (hosting, software)
Marketing & Promotion
Labor (our compuer programmer expenses)
If expenses are not met for that item the balance is rolled over to the next month so you can easily see the total amount we are ahead or behind for the entire year.
In addition we bring back the small Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum bars and assign a donation amount for each bar.
I hope this new system will clarify better our purpose for donations, and at the same time will allow our users to see exactly what our operating expenses are.