I found my beloved best friend, chihuahua, named trooper tonight. Let the dogs out as useally for outside business, heard him bark a couple of times like he normally does when he is ready to come in, so I thought a few more minutes then I will let them in for the night, well the other two came inside but my tooper did not come when called. I was thinking he had got out again, but when I looked farther out in the yard I could see what looked weird like something laying in the yard, I Had to call to my second dog to come inside, he was licking on something, kept calling for trooper, when I went and check what was laying in the yard, well to my shock and hurt, it was my beloved trooper. I don't know what happened, no dog fights, they all got along, there was no evidence of him being hurt, was wet from my second dog licking on him like he was trying to wake him, he had been around trooper the longest so I know he is hurting just as bad as I am, my 3rd dog the newest to the family hasn't been so don't think he knows what is going on, but does know I am in distress and stays by my side. I never knew how hard it hurts to loose a family pet till now. Trooper was old when we got him age unknown, I had him for about 6 or 7 years. He is now resting in peace, doing what he loved, laying on the back of the couch or under the bed covers keeping warm.

To my beloved trooper, may you rest peace.