Microsoft is announcing a U-turn on its controversial Windows 8 UI, as noted in Microsoft prepares U-turn on Windows 8 - The OS maker is going to release an update to Win8 later this year to correct "key aspects" of how the OS is used.

This is one of several news articles appearing on various sites confirming what many have suspected - that MS is admitting a huge tactical error in forcing the touch-centric Metro-monikered interface on keyboard-and-mouse oriented PC's. The UI problem is already being compared in many circles as one of the biggest marketing blunders by a major American corporation since New Coke some three decades ago.

The revision to the OS that will apparently restore at least some substantial measure of the traditional desktop interface is due to be released in what was termed an "undated" OS update in the coming weeks.

Personally, I am delighted to see this happen. Forcing the Metro (although they don't call it that "officially" anymore) interface on a keyboard PC was about as dense a notion as it would be to force a keyboard-driven interface on the XBOX. Ballmer will likely take a hit for the failure.

Given the market's march toward tablets, the UI tweak may not do much to stem the drop in PC sales..