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There are many energy problems that I hope the new GE energy research center will be working in collaboration with OU to find solutions for.
When the boom of oil and NG is over we should do everything we can to have fall back positions in place for our state’s economy. Some would be partly based on new and improved methods of production and energy use. But let’s use this current oil boom to partly fund our states efforts.
We already have one of the best energy saving manufactures in our state. ClimateMaster produces state of the art water- source and Geothermal Systems that are probably the very best in the world right now. I own one………OSU has done good research in this area…
Though research and manufacturing Oklahoma can become a world leader in high tech energy.
We can transform our state’s economy making our self’s more prosperous with sensible state investments in our university’s and with incentives for the right corporations.