I start this thread to share experiences with flight delays since air traffic controllers were reduced two days ago as the result of budget cuts.

Professional pilots I know are talking about experiencing delays despite clear weather and light traffic, and being given greater-than-normal separation between other flights. One pilot reported yesterday being given a 30-mile final approach into a Florida airport with 10-mile separation between other aircraft. Another was delayed two hours despite clear weather at destination and departure airports, and all along the route. A third pilot was complaining about not being permitted to board and get the aircraft ready for flight, having to sit in the terminal. No-one was reporting problems, stressed controllers, congestion, diversions, etc. Some expressed their opinions that this was intentional, a game being played to slow things down and make the point that budget cuts will come with pain - to the flying public.

Recall another intentional slowdown with the intent of inflicting pain was caused by American Airlines pilots when the company filed for bankruptcy. Without going into detail, they intentionally slowed down operations in order to make it known how unhappy they were. I just mention this because most of the flying public don't have the ability to see what's going on, and certainly doesn't understand why. All they know is that they missed their connection to Orlando and their vacation plans were screwed up.

So - from the back of the airplanes, what is everyone's experiencing with delays?