Found an interesting item in's newsletter:

What's Up Downtown: by Downtowon Oklahoma City, Inc.

A public event to view the contents of the Century Chest will be held Monday, April 22 at 10 a.m. at
the First Lutheran Church, located at 1300 North Robinson Ave. in downtown Oklahoma City.

The event, featuring the live opening of the chest, guest speakers and refreshments, is free and open
to attendees of all ages, including school groups.
A hundred year old time capsule. Cool.

Put together by the First Lutheran Church

On the same date in 1913, exactly 24 years after the Land Run of 1889, the Ladies Aid Society at the church
buried the container of significant items they called "The Century Chest." They had gathered the items from
many notable Oklahoma families, businesses and professional organizations, and ordered, in writing, to future
church members that the chest would be unearthed April 22, 2013.
What's in it?

There is a book written by the original committee detailing the contents of the chest. According to the list,
the chest includes items such as: original paintings, historical photographs, Native American relics and art,
pottery, poems and musical compositions, a Kodak camera, Oklahoma City newspapers,
a forecast of Oklahoma City in 2013 written by leading professional men, and much more.
That last part -- the forecast of what OKC might be like in a hundered years -- will be fun to read.