The concern I'm hearing is should what people have already voted on be changed?
Many things are needed to improve public transit overall and no one improvement will do it all. The streetcar is but one, albeit important, step in that direction that had and continues to have strong public support. What
other steps can be taken in
addition? These might include:
- improved transit funding (Sunday bus service, extended bus service hours?) in the FY2014 budget;
- allocation of MAPS 3 contingency funds;
- Next GO Bond vote;
- Regional Transit District tax; amongst others.
There are many other
additional sources of funding and
additional approaches to consider to improve public transit in the near, medium and long term. Clearly, public awareness and support of public transit is the greatest it's ever been in this city and region for a long time. That's not going away and this shouldn't be a zero-sum game.