Ok, so it's been a few weeks since many businesses in El Reno and surrounding areas were busted for those illegal gaming machines. I would like to get people's thoughts on this issue.

For those who aren't aware authorities busted the VFW, Gilmore's, American Legion and I think the old Office bar by the tracks, south of the old Safeway on Sunset. These businesses were conducting illegal activities by operating illegal gaming machines on premises.

My thoughts are it's about time. These machines have been in these places for years and years. At least 8-9 years for many locations. A huge population of the town knew about these machines. How could the cops not know? Well they did know about these machines. The old county sheriff, Hawkins, was seen in the VFW playing these games himself. Many El Reno cops were also seen in these places going at it hard. Neither were in uniform, of course, as they weren't conducting an investigation. They were in there as private citizens playing away.

In my opinion the turning point was when Hawkins lost the 2008 election for the Sheriff's position. Hawkins was ok with them operating the machines and these places were not in any fear. But when he lost the businesses lost their "protection" so to speak. These businesses were too far into running these machines to just quit them. Why would they? Nothing had been done before and the new County Sheriff was an undersheriff under Hawkins so they probably thought he was ok with their continued operation as well.

Again it's just my opinion. But the fact remains that these illegal machines were in operation for years and years and years and it was well known in town.

I have a few more things but what are other people's thoughts on this matter?