Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
Venture, you are a good ambassador for your church in an age where its belief system and customs are viewed with suspicion, hostility and confusion by modern folk who lack a spiritual connection and view it from a secular point of view. I personally find it amazing that an institution could survive for so long through the rise and fall of governments, cultural phases and changing technology. I've been around Catholics all my life and have been the recipient of their kindness and steadfastness quite a few times. I don't agree with all the theology but I have to say, overall, I trust - and love - the church. And I say that, not to defend its lapses - those are indefensible. I'm happy that the church has Pope Francis and look forward to getting to know him.
I am by no means the perfect Catholic. I've found my way stray from the church many times when I disagreed on issues. However, I look at all relationships in the context that there isn't going to be 100% agreement on everything. You take the good with the bad unless it just gets too overwhelming. In addition to that I'm a fan of all the pageantry that surrounds these institutions and gives us a look back in time. So much history and tradition has been lost in the rush to modernize everything that it is sad.