I *HOPE* that when the new police station opens more officers will be on patrol..police on every corner would be nice. If the problems keep occuring, Spyce needs to go. Lets be honest, Spyce does not fit well being placed right next to the Wormy Dog, its a recipe for disaster... and frankly, I never saw these types of problems before Spyce opened. I'm not the only one who feels like this..all my neighbors in bricktown feel pretty much the same way. I have heard that the bar owners have been having meetings excluding the owners of Spyce to figure out ways to keep the Spyce crowd from overflowing into their bars. I can tell you this, I'm not "scared" to be in bricktown, but I am a lot more carefull about where I am certain times of night than I ever used to be the past four years. It will be interesting to see how things go the next few weeks. Hopefully, EVERYONE is safe.