Quote Originally Posted by jedicurt View Post
How long has San Antonio been trying? and it sure isn't working out for them... they Built a Stadium to bring an NFL team there... and aside from a few preseason games and the temp relocation of the Saints after Katrina, it has been unused by Pro Football
What argument are you trying to make?

Just because there are those of us who see the possibility for OKC to support an NFL franchise in the mid-range future (20 to 30 years) doesn't mean that we all think it's going to happen.

So (1) in as much as San Antonio could pretty easily handle an NFL franchise, I don't think them not having one disproves OKC's ability to handle one. (2) There are factors working against SA that are probably more difficult to overcome than OKC: Having 2 teams across the interstate from San Antonio and in the same state is a bigger deal than OKC having just 1 team down the interstate in a different state entirely, as an example.

Now, I still think SA will get a team before OKC, probably years before...but the dynamics of the NFL have been pretty stable the last 10 years...I would guess that they'll be less stable over the next 20.