This discussion thread will almost certainly turn political, but I’ll start by posting it under “Current Events & Open Topic.”

The minimum wage (currently $7.25 per hour) is intended to be a compensation floor for entry-level employees who are able to make only small contributions to their employer after they have entered the work force. It’s a starting wage for those who are starting out in the world, and who typically perform menial tasks. While doing so, employees learn how employers and industries operate, and they demonstrate what value they offer to the organization. An observant employee quickly learns that he is expected to be on time, to do his job efficiently, to work well with others, to help solve problems, and how all of these things contribute to good customer satisfaction and a more successful employer. Most employees demonstrate an understanding of these skills, and they are promoted and given a raise. Those who do not understand this remain at their low levels of responsibility and compensation.

A 30-year-old person earning only minimum wage is not the fault of the employer, nor is it the government’s responsibility to give them a “raise” by increasing the federal minimum wage. It is the individual’s responsibility to prove to his employer that he is a valuable team player, and is worthy of greater responsibilities and compensation. If he cannot, then he continues at minimum wage and must accept hard truth that parity has been reached.

Employers want good employees, and they want to reward them through promotions and raises. They don’t want laggards who deserve less than the minimum wage because they don’t come to work on time, don’t do their assignments without constant supervision and retraining, don’t work well with others, cause problems instead of solve them, and are inattentive to customer needs. But that is commonly the type of person who is stuck in an entry level, minimum wage job. Forcing an employer to pay more without the guarantee of a better quality employee will cause them to employ fewer of them.

I believe that there are two solutions: 1. Parents need to teach their children how the employment world works, and how children can rise in the ranks by being more valuable to the employer. 2. We need a second educational track in this country for those wanting a vocational career. If you think that this is a “second class” career path, then take eight minutes to watch Mike Rowe (“Dirty Jobs”) testify before the U.S. Senate on the lack of modern American skilled workers: Mike Rowe Speaks To Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee [05-11-11] - YouTube