I drove by today and took pictures. I'll put them in my gallery. They painted it in about one day.


Artists get moo-ve on musical mural

By Beth Gollob
Centennial project depicts images from 'Oklahoma!'
Painters daubed bright latex onto walls of the elevated downtown railway Tuesday, despite nearly constant honks and yells from passing motorists.

Oklahoma Centennial Commission

"We've almost caused some accidents," said muralist Bob Palmer, grinning toward the street. "They seem to really like it."

About a dozen local artists started Monday on a mural depicting the musical "Oklahoma!" to commemorate the state centennial in 2007. Based on soundtrack artwork from the 1955 film version, the mural will portray a typical sunset in fiery shades of orange and yellow, along with farm animals, crops, pioneers and other state symbols.

It's a stark contrast to the monochromatic grays of nearby buildings and streets, said Palmer, who also is a University of Central Oklahoma art professor.

"If you know anything about the musical, we had to create this sort of bright golden haze on the meadow," he said. "I wanted it to be really colorful."

Palmer and 11 other artists -- some former students -- expect to be finished with the $15,000 Oklahoma Centennial project by the end of the week.

The mural is part of a larger project to paint both sides of the elevated railway for the state centennial, said Lee Allan Smith, chairman of projects and events for the Oklahoma Centennial Commission.

"It's just one of the many events and projects the Centennial Commission is doing to get ready for the 100th anniversary." Funding for the mural is being provided by local sponsors of the state centennial, he said.

While painting feathers on a duck fleeing from a fringed surrey, Oklahoma City artist Sharon McCoy said using such bright colors for a Western design is unusual.

"The idea to take these images from the musical and use them on the mural is a little different, a little more original," she said.