Quote Originally Posted by Dubya61 View Post
Are they some of the users of this lake? Yes.
Does work on the dam allow water to stay in the lake? Yes
Should OKC water users pay for work on the dam? Yes
Do residents of Canton, OKC and all along the river enjoy flood control? Yes.
Shouldn't they all be paying for it? Yes.

OKC currently pays for water use in their water bill AND they pay for flood control through federal taxes. (Others obviously pay federal taxes too.) I don't know if each pays proportionally to cost, do you? Is water for drinking and watering lawns actually a cost of the dam or is it a byproduct of flood control? You decide. What if OKC quit buying the water, would we still need the dam? How would you fund flood control? How much more federal dollars would it take to keep the dam running for flood control and recreation?

I've poked around the net trying to find out what Canton water cost the City of OKC (exclusive of the federal taxes the citizens pay.) Can't find it. Does anyone know?