If so, how did you adjust? What do you like about OKC compared to where you lived before and what do you dislike about it?

I've been here for six months now after moving from a larger city and am still adjusting.

Things I like:
-Downtown revitalization
-Low cost of living: groceries are quite a bit cheaper
-Civic pride
-The Warren Theater
-Lake Hefner
-Low humidity compared to where I lived before
-Quite a few decent restaurants here. There are a few things I would like to see in OKC that aren't but most cuisines you would expect are covered.

Things I dislike:

-The biggest: I've found it pretty difficult to make friends being single in my 20s. Most people here seem to get married and settle down very young.
-Things are very spread out
-Very little aesthetic beautification outside the downtown area
-Relatively few nice parks compared to other cities
-Too few grocery stores, especially quality ones