Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
I know its a rather small region, but, question...just the blue dot or the square area? I'm guessing just the blue dot and that that dot itself represents 200 light years. Pretty amazing and it's gonna be at least a thousand years before they find our signal. Lot of area to deal with.

This thread reminds me of StumbleUpon. Great app where you can choose to read or view pics of all different types of subjects and my choices tend to be what yours are.
Yessir you are correct. It is the blue dot. Also just throwing this out there
The first AM broadcast was on Christmas Eve, 1906, and Hitler’s broadcasting of the 1936 Olympics is regarded as the first signal powerful enough to be carried into space - which is a rather disturbing thought.
So if any aliens out there pick up our broadcast that will likely be the first broadcast they receive. lol