I started DVR/DSR/bodyweight exercises in late July and have had amazing results. It's not conventional at all, and many weight lifters would scoff at the concept of DVRs and DSRs probably. DVRs and DSRs are easy, but it takes concentration. The best part is, it's free and you can do it anywhere. It started when I found a book called "Pushing Yourself to Power." It has some fascinating ideas on working out. Since then, all I've done is visualized resistance. The author has a new book called "Miracle Seven" which outlines 7 exercises to do daily for muscle gains, increased functional strength and fat loss. I've done the miracle seven exclusively for the last three weeks. Since I started several months ago, my muscle mass has increased, and my fat loss has gone down. Needless to say that's including a healthy diet.

I'd strongly recommend this workout to anyone who lifts weights but endures joint pain. Or if you simply want to change it up a bit. Or if you want to start something that is free.

PM me if you want more info. Otherwise you can go to www.bronzebowpublishing.com and check out their site. There's a forum there too where you can ask others who have been on a DVR/DSR program.

PS: Bruce Lee did visualized resistance.

PPS: Haha, even though I sound like a commercial I don't get any commission from selling those books. They've worked for me and contain ideas that I strongly recommend!