Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
Wrong! Workplace tests consist of five substances, not including those two, LSD, inhalants, XTC, and so on. Oh, but they've included PCP in the panel for ages. I worked in that industry for several years.
Until the "Mary Jane-ites" waving banners on the ramparts and doing the rest of the NORML stuff or refusing to do so based upon principals and vice-principles and so forth and so on succeed in this Viva la Revolution! I would suggest that carefully selected operatives in favor of an "organic high . . . like from mother nature and whatnot" inject themselves into the "Drug Testing Industry" and "Do The Good Work" . . . at least until Jean Val Jean "The Miserable" shows up in Imaginationland riding cover for Don Quixote and watching his back on account of Pancho Sanza is too stoned to object.

Here is a portait of The Mata Hari of Alice B. Toklas browinies as an example of expanded conscioulsness . . .
at least among the Ad Agency Scoff-laws