Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
We could be up to Star Wars XXII and I'd still be in line to buy a ticket. I haven't liked them all, but I've seen them and will continue to do so. Sort of like the Batman and 007 movies - there have been some really bad ones, but the good ones make up for it.
Yup same for me. I'll be there opening day to watch. I'm really hoping we see some throw back to the old sith empire or at least something getting away form the "rule of 2". Just something about seeing more bad guys than just one here and there.

Now the one thing I know everyone is going to cringe about, are we going to see the force ghost of Anakin by Hayden in this. With computer technology I guess they don't have to go down that road if they can get a good voice actor, but you know that is going to be out there.