Seems like there are "Friends for a Better _____" poping up everywhere. Now there's even a Friends for a Better Aquarium. We all want better things in our city, but let's not spread ourselves too thin. There are great ideas out there, and I think it's great that we have a public forum on which we can express these ideas (thanks, Pete!), but some ideas really need to be thrust into the public spotlight, ala Friends for a Better Boulevard.
I've been thinking about this for a long time... Not specifically "Friends for a Better Aquarium," but at what point will we have a grassroots organization called "Friends for a Better OKC?" For real. It could be an honest to God real life organization with sub-groups for idividual projects such as Friends for a Better Boulevard, Friends for a Better Convention Center, (and now) Friends for a Better Aquarium. We've seen the attention that these kinds of groups can generate.
Now, with that said, IF my dream of an FBOKC were to be a reality (which I doubt), a group like this would have to be very careful to not cheapen its message. I envision a group with a board of (for lack of better terms) directors, comprised of passionate individuals willing to dedicate their time and effort. Anyone could submit their ideas to this board for review and the board would then make a determination as to what should be done with it. Perhaps a 4 level sponsorship system where the importance of the project could be analized and put into specific categories. Like a Partnership category where the FBOKC works actively with the sub group to get the message out there, an Acitve Sponsor category where the FBOKC takes on the overall operation of the sub group, a Sponsor categorgy where the FBOKC basically says "Yes, we believe you have a wonerful idea and you have our blessing to continue lobbying for your better _____," and of coarse a Non-sponsor category: "Great that you believe in _______, keep up the good work, your on your own."
Like I said, I've thought alot about this, and while I don't think anything like this would ever happen, I do think it would be pretty cool... I haven't bloged in a while, maybe I will blog about this idea tonight, if my wife lets me... (sweety, I know you are a lurker, so you are seeing this... please let me blog tonight... p.s. I love you... p.s.s. don't kill me)
I'm sure there's a better way I can articulate this, but can't reall spend too much time on it while I'm at work.