This is something of a continuation of some pics I took of the Cline and Marion Hotel purchases ... and taken on the same day or next day (except for the 1949 "vintage" pic I did not take). It is also part of the development of my revised "downtown map" stuff which seem to grow in its content more quickly than I'd like ... I mean, I'd like to get this "project" done, but, the more I look, the more I see that I've only started to scratch the surface.
Anyway, here are some additional "midtown" pics taken a few days ago (unless otherwise noted) of non-church buildings "midtown (the "chuch" buildings will be in a later thread). There are many others that are not included here which I've not yet taken pics of ... arrgh! I should have more narrowly limited the scope of the venture. Oh, well ...
The pics below do not include some of the more obvious "midtown" stuff, e.g., Plaza Court, St. Anthonys, Sieber, etc., which are already on everyone's radar. For the most part, these are some of the more "obscure" buildings in midtown (to me) as I was driving around town in the past few days.
1st, a "new" midtown building which doesn't have a tie to the vintage past (that I know), the Northcare Community Counseling Center at 1140 N Hudson. Pretty boring stuff, but, that said, it's not an embarassing even if it's a mundane building.
Next, something more interesting. On my way to work, I drive south on Hudson on a daily basis and I've done that for about 12-14 years. "Familiarity breeds content" is appropos for me, 'cause I've never paid attention to the property below until this photo-shoot. At 1212 N Hudson, just south of the very small restautrant that seems to change hands regularly (not shown in the pic), is this small strip pic ...
... which I've wholly ignored driving to downtown. But, at the Metropolitan Library System, here's a 1949 pic of the same space:
Until opening my eyes, I'd not recognized that the 2006 place that I drive by to get to work is the same space at the 1949 pic and was principally the "Uptown" movie theater in the 1940s-1950s! Kinda fun!
Immediately to the west of the above property on the west side of Hudson is the Palo Duro apartments at the NW corner of Hudson and & NW 11th, by all appearance being an old time apartment building which appears to have been modernized (new windows are visible, and no wndow air conditioning units are to be seen), but I've not yet found any "history" about it:
At the SE corner of 10th and Hudson is the building below which has been wholly refurbshed. After its refurbishing, it was someone's law office but I don't know if that's still so ... no "law office" signs presently adorn (or blaspheme) the building ... :blink:
Go a little further south, to NW 9th street. This is one that's interesting, but about which I have NO knowledge whatsoever ... an obviously "old" probably 1920s at the latest) building which was likely (guessing) an apartment building ... refurbished, but no signs, and I have no specific address. It is on the north side of NW 9th between Harvey & Robinson ... a pic looking east from NW 9th toward Robinson, and a frontal pic looking north and slightly west, are below ...
Go a little further east to Harvey and you find this building which has been excellently redone by the law firm of Durbin, Larimore & Bialick, at 920 N Harvey. The only lawyer I know there is Gerald Durban and I'll call him for more accurate history, but this building has all appearances of being an early-day apartment building. The law firm's website shows some interior (2nd pic), and it looks great!
OK. Go to 11th street at Walker and you find the building in which my mom saw her doctor for me before I was born at St. Anthony's in 1943 ... the Osler Building, 1200 N Walker ... I've not found any pariticular history about this one yet ... this view looks northwest at the rear of the building ... the main entrance is on Walker.
The Herriman Building at 923 N Robinson (I think built in 1921) shows another midtown building which should be pretty familiar to Okc-ers who drive south on Robinson.
That brings me to the last building in this mini-midtown tour (though there are many others) ... the building now owned/occupied by United Way of Central Oklahoma. I've not yet traced the origins of this building at 1315 Broadway Circle except to be able to say that it was originally the Mayfair Apartments ... don't yet know when it was built. But, one must hand it to the post-apartment owners (most recently United Way) for preserving the heritage. 3 pics are shown below.
The 1st shows an inset-enlargement of the orginal name of the building at its entrance looking west which shows some the care taken to preserve. The 2nd shows a more distant "frontal" view, looking west.The 3rd shows a northwesterly view.
"Midtown" is an area which seems to have been largely ignored in the press, but for the splashes about St. Anthony's and projects along NW 10th, but there are many "jewels" there for history buffs, and for neat stuff that has been occurring under at least my radar for several years.
If any of you have information which helps to "fill the gaps" in my incomplete knowlege, I'll be glad to have it!