Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
I am not opposed to a new convention but I sure don't like be lied to by all these projects that will NEVER turn out to be true. I want a new convention center so the Cox site can be redeveloped.
Applying a reality screen here, I think no one on the Convention Center committee actually believes there will be underground building. This is just the fig leaf being applied to the citizens. Again, for emphasis, there will NOT be underground convention halls. That will be prohibitively expensive, and they are not going to be able to go back to the voters to ask for more dough, because the project itself is so unpopular with voters.

SO, here's what I believe they're doing:

1. They're saying they will build underground to pacify the people who want direct access between the Myriad Gardens and Central Park.
2. They're doing this to also pacify the mayor, who is a big proponent of the park.
3. They're waiting out Mick's term to level with the voters and "change" the plan to include a large convention center dividing the park spaces.
4. They will "announce" the new "recommendations from consultants" once Cornett is out of office, and, citing cost concerns, will suggest putting the convention center on the Fred Jones property and building everything over ground, creating a large barrier between the park spaces.
5. They will come up with a "compromise" by building some kind of flow through or walkway where Harvey is currently.
6. Harvey will be closed.

This is just the cynical side of me speaking, but it is probably what will happen. I know it will be unpopular here but it will be viewed as a "workable solution."

Tell me i'm wrong.

The alternative is worse: bleed funds from other MAPS III projects. But I don't believe they will go there because that would exact too large of a political price, costing council members seats and permanently damaging the MAPS brand.

ON EDIT: Perhaps Larry Nichols is planning to throw them another $240,000,000 and have them name it the Devon Center. Sound outlandish? $240 mil is a rounding error to Devon. They could probably just cut a check for that. The point is, this whole project seems like a fool's errand from the outside looking in, but it's quite possible they've already found alternative funding mechanisms to pay for this and we just don't know. I pose this possibility without condoning the closed-door behavior of the in-crowd. This city still could use a major dose of transparency.