NORMAN — Sitel, a customer care outsourcing provider, told its Norman work force on Thursday that up to 370 employees could lose their jobs on Aug. 31.
Going back on memory this is the old Service Zone turned Client Logic turned Sitel. They initially had the Gateway computer support contract as well as Chase and then went 100% Chase Credit Cards. Chase is pulling everything back in house and is done outsourcing (shocker) and Norman is their only domestic outsourced site. From what I'm told the expectations of being able to replace the client they serve is going to take longer than 60 days. It sounds like it'll be a cable outfit but Chase owns all the local computer equipment, so they'll have to replace it all.

It sucks that 300 jobs might be going away, but if we need to have a call center in the town I'd rather it be an in house one. You tend to see better wages and benefits for the employees versus the outsourcing shops. Putting this at maybe 50/50 on Sitel just saying screw it and board the place up and move on.