Hey all,

The City is soliciting the input from citizens to help choose a sign design for its "Tobacco Free" policy in City parks. Making your selection is easy:

1. Visit www.okc.gov/parksigns
2. Send an email with your selection to public.info@okc.gov

You can also vote by visiting the City's facebook page at www.facebook.com/okcparks and making your selection in the Comments Section.

The press release we just sent out is here:

City seeks public input on tobacco free parks signs

The City of Oklahoma City is asking citizens to help select a design for “tobacco free” signs that will be installed in City parks.

The signs support a resolution passed by City Council in May that encourages park visitors to abide by a voluntary policy to keep parks free from all lighted or unlighted tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco and snuff.

Four sign designs are available for public viewing on the City’s website at www.okc.gov/parksigns. Citizens can select the sign design they like best and email their selection to public.info@okc.gov. They can also cast votes via the Oklahoma City Parks Department’s twitter (@okcparks) and facebook (www.facebook.com/okcparks) accounts.

The four sign designs presented to the Oklahoma City Park Commission during its June 20 meeting. Each sign communicates a message that is in keeping in the spirit of the tobacco-free policy.

“Public input is an important part of gaining support for this initiative,” said Wendel Whisenhunt, Parks and Recreation director. “We hope that by helping select which signs are installed in our parks, citizens will be more willing to comply with the policy and help keep our parks free of tobacco products.”

For more information about the policy and the sign designs, citizens may call 297-3882 or email public.info@okc.gov.

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Jennifer McClintock
OKC Parks