Why in the hell do you write your posts like some cryptic poem with all the weird formatting? It's beyond annoying.

Obviously, the only rational answer to your question would be that I apparently have a previously unknown mission. That mission is to annoy you. I would venture a guess that you also find Sudoku, M. C. Escher, Mitch Hedberg, Firesign Theater and e.e. cummings annoying, but I could be wrong about that too. So, is this version any less annoying?

a bullet train yeah that's the ticket all of the folks in for example moore norman noble purcell wynnewood davis and dougherty or edmond arcadia luther wellston chandler stroud bristow and sapulpa could go out to the tracks and watch the train speed by for free entertainment it would be sort of like the interstate highway system for the new millennium another benefit of this plan would certainly be the huge improvements in the taxi fleets of ardmore, enid, tulsa, muskogee and that town in western arkansas unless you meant fort supply well taxis or ride-and-share bicycles/pedalcabs.

Probably not (less annoying). I find James Joyce's "stream of consciousness" style a bit annoying and cryptic myself.

Did I just hear the sound of one hand clapping? Or was it the sound of one "Ignore" button being pushed by a formerly upraised middle finger? In retrospect, I suppose that a simple "ouch" or {sob} would have sufficed, and I apologize, in advance, for any further annoyance on your part. Not that I can do anything about it.

Nor can I do anything about the fact that I doubt seriously that the answer to the question OKC/Tulsa Metroplex? is yes.