Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
This simply isn't possible. Until we start telling the truth we can't implement a solution. Children need a loving mother AND father. Anything short of that isn't a great environment, no matter how great the mother is at her half of the equation.
I think this is false. My sister and I were raised by our mother. My dad paid his child support, and we went to stay with him on vacation, but he's a complicated, emotionally distant person. He never related to well to kids including the ones from his second marriage. My mother is a fantastic woman who did a lot for us. My sister and I reasonably successful(My sister much more so than I), reasonably well adjusted happy people.

What children need for emotional development are good role models who care about them, not a male parent and a female parent in the same home. Certainly being a single mother is hard, and coupling that with poverty reduces the chances for a good outcome, but many single mothers provide great environments for their children every day, in every part of the country.

The problem with this kid and the thousands(millions?) like him is a socio-economic problem that has more to do with education and income than anything else.

Also, marriage isn't always the indicator of a two parent household. It's super common in Quebec(Something like 60% according to an article I read) for couples, even with children, to not get married. It's not real common in the US, but it does occur.