Originally Posted by
Yet, you return, time and time again - not to actually add anything to the topic, but to revert into some 7th grade bully mentality. Guess what Roadhawg, I get it - you're no fan of what I do. Trust me, that's no big deal to me. But the constant need of yours to followup each and every post of mine with your nonsense and juvenile behavior gets really old. I don't make it a habit to promote my activism on this site and limit it to simply responding to related threads.
At any point will you be satisfied that we (I) get it - you find satisfaction in sitting namelessly behind your computer throwing stones but providing zero content or insights to the topic at hand?
Obviously either the topic of prostitution or myself are of great interest to you. Regardless, why don't you stop with the middle school mentality and come to the next public meeting regarding the topic. Its 2/10 at the Salvation Army 2808 SE 44th Street from 6:30pm - 9pm. We had a huge turnout at the last meeting, so you can find comfort in knowing you can remain anonymous. We are pleased to welcome keynote speaker Alesia Adams,Territorial Coordinator For Human/Sex Trafficking, from Atlanta GA.
Who knows, maybe you'll learn something.