Last night, and most of the day today, I helped a friend of mine move into a new house (in the rain). When it came time to pack up all of the things in his garage, I was dumbfounded. This guy owns his own business and makes a very good living, however, I have not seen so much stuff in my life in one garage.

He is the type of person that will go in his garage, look for something, and then if he can't find what he is looking for, he goes and buys another one.

As I, and another guy, went through the stuff, Dale told us to throw away anything that looked useless, and to take anything else that we wanted.

He had a sack full of real nice Stanley measuring tapes, a sack full of brand new leather work gloves, several packages of brand new pollen (expensive) pollen masks, about 10 pipe wrenches, 2-3 cordless drills, and much, much, more. He had stuff that he didn't even know he had. He told me that he lived in that house for 9 years, and could not believe all of the stuff that he had collected over the years.

I know that lots of elderly people keep things, saying, "I'll probably need that one of these days, so let's keep it."

My theory....I figure that if you have something that you haven't used in over two years, then it is time to get rid of it...unless it has sentimental value.

So, are you a pack rat? Do you hate to throw anything away?