You may have heard/read that we are planning to implement a "Wiki" function on the site that will allow us to create articles that will look and work just like Wikipedia.

Basically, the subject of each thread (for example, Devon Tower) will ultimately be linked to a Wiki article that will summarize all the important information. There will still be an associated discussion thread, but the purpose of the Wiki is to serve as a summary of all the key facts and latest news.

After we get rolling, we'll be add permissions to registered members who want to contribute to or edit an article.

I'm very, very excited about this for lots of reasons, but primarily because it will allow us to create and maintain a massive database of information on Central Oklahoma all in one place. The possibilities are literally endless!

Hang in there as you'll see Wiki stuff scattered about the site; soon we'll provide information on how this will all work and what part you can play. Obviously, we are hoping lots of people are going to volunteer for this massive project!

More to follow as we continue our implementation.