Ok, I take that back, one negative comment..

Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
Inspired by stone and brick architecture in Aspen, Colo., Rees Associates Inc. is designing the new restaurant development.
Huh? What about being inspired by, gee I don't know, the BRICK architecture of BRICKTOWN. Holy crap... Next they'll be justifying EIFS by claiming inspiration from the Moorish stucco dwellings of Sevilla. Bricktown is not supposed to have architecture inspired by Aspen or anywhere else no matter how cool. Bricktown is supposed to have a branded aesthetic, it's kinda important to the district's image.

Maybe Hogan is a scumbag...hmm I guess I rushed too soon to discount that theory. Scumbag is probably way too strong. I think we could safely say that Hogan is unphased by suggestions of building standards and has very low regard for anyone's hopes for what Bricktown could (or could have) become. Perhaps he has a moral objection to doing high-quality development.

It also sounded like the KD restaurant is going to be shacked up in a duplex with some other restaurant? Does KD realize what he has signed his name away for, and is there any way for him to save face or demand that they put his name on a little higher quality product? I am legitimately worried for the guy because he strikes me as one of the most genuinely nice guys in all of professional sports, and I would hate for him to have a bad experience in OKC because of Randy Hogan.