For the past several years, our cul de sac has had a family of owls that has lived here. They often perch on roof tops and balconies in the cooler months, keeping little ones like our daughter awake at night with excitement. We've had occasional eggs laid in our upstairs window planters, but they've never been fostered. Until now!

The last week of February, two eggs were laid in an urn on our front balcony, just outside a window, and the Mama Owl has laid on them nearly 24/7 since. The average gestation is 33 days, putting the hatch time into late this week. I've set up a live web cam giving us all a foot-away-view from Mama Owl, the eggs, and soon, the baby owls.

You can check out the live stream on UStream here:

If you're on Facebook, we've set up a page with photos, updates, and a live video feed on FB here:

Enjoy, and feel free to share!