First let me make it clear the scope of this thread is all late night businesses... the existing threads are more or less food-focused and I was hoping to start a new thread covering broader topics.

So if you've read the latest Kevin Durant interview again outsiders are complaining that there isn't enough to do here late at night. Rather than perpetuate the "no there isn't / yes there is," I wanted to try and identify things that people do in other cities that you might like to do here. Also, if there are late night dining or entertainment options already available this would be a good thread to discuss those in.

Dining - I think we all agree that we have many breakfast-serving late night options. We also have one or two sushi restaurants that are open and serving until midnight (Sushi Neko, In the Raw), and there are lots of bars open until 2 a.m. that serve a "late night menu" (e.g. fried foods) from midnight to about 1:30 a.m. What other options do we have? Is the Chinese place on 15th in Edmond that does Karaoke until like 4 a.m. still there? I guess there's Pita Pit. I have been to cities that had 24 hour Jewish delis, sushi, even fine dining. Anyone know of any options like this?

Gambling - No we're not Vegas, but you know often times people completely ignore the fact that we have several Vegas-like casinos (including restaurants) in the metro which are open 24/7. For someone flying in, they might actually have fun going someplace like this. I wonder why it is never mentioned... it's almost as if city leaders and politicians view them as the city's dirty secret.

Movies - I used to visit friends in Chicago and we would go to these late-night (after midnight) movie festivals all the time. Nothing bad, although I'm sure those were to be found somewhere too. More like anime festivals, weird cult classics, true classic movies and so on. Most of these places served beer and liquor. I know of only the Warren that serves alcohol and I am not aware of any theaters in the metro that run shows past midnight (except the occasional Warren or AMC showing that goes late, or special new blockbuster release). Do we have those? What about cultish movie theaters? Are they open late?

Arcades - Well we have Dave and Busters now, they are open until midnight, 1:00 a.m. on the weekends. There's Hey Day but that is more little kid focused and it isn't open that late. At one time there were many pool halls around the metro but there don't seem to be many left now... but maybe someone knows of some that are open late whose clients don't look like something out of Zombieland. Yes I realize there are bars which happen to have pool tables in them around town. What about nostalgic 80's arcades like Einstein's in Austin? Do we have anything like that here, and is it open late? I hear Norman used to long ago.

Other Entertainment/Live Shows - Excluding strip clubs, are there any performances, poetry readings, or live music venues that operate after 2 a.m.? I guess the new "burlesque" place in Bricktown is open until 1:30ish like everything else down there. What else do we have?

Museums - Anything remotely like a museum open past 10 p.m. in the metro? When I've been to LA I know that I have been to many weird places late at night along the Hollywood strip, including a wax museum. Anything at all here?

Bars/Clubs - I think we have that one covered in Oklahoma. Although it is surprisingly hard to find "bottle service" here compared to other metropolitan areas and just generally upscale stuff.

Lively Districts - In Illinois, Florida, California, actually even in Texas, I have been out long past midnight and there are districts that are absolutely alive and bustling with people, there are food vendors everywhere, there are trinket shops and record stores open, etc. Do we have anything like this after 2 a.m., or even after midnight? Bricktown is sort of a valid answer, but only really on weekends... sort of. Midtown has bars and places open, but it seems like there are never people walking around, they're all inside drinking. The Paseo is sometimes like this, but very infrequently and usually just following an art show night. Any places regularly like this?

Bookstores/weird coffee shops/etc. - I know at one point we had some of these. I am guessing there must be at least some coffee places that are open very late in the OCU area. What are they?

I wanted to start this thread because it seems like, with the NBA now here, we are constantly seeing articles about how there is nothing to do in OKC late at night. I also see city leaders or just randoms constantly saying we have things to do you just have to look harder. So I am taking a hard look. I agree we have bars and some restaurants open late. So let's talk about everything else. It'd be great if there are some hidden gems out there that I and others are not aware of... let's talk about them here.