We're number four here. I still contend that when making these kind of rankings writers start with OKC on the list and try to find reasons to take us off.

Oklahoma City has one of the largest livestock markets in the world, so it's no surprise residents love their steaks. We're guessing that's why this city ranks last for eating fruit and vegetables. Oklahoma City is also second worst when it comes to exercise. A poor diet and lack of activity help make the city third for high cholesterol and hypertension. But location is no excuse. "Anyone can get the RealAge-recommended 10 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, combined," says Roach. "And it's best to mix them up
Just how do they determine that we are last in eating fruits and vegetables? And having our stockyards keeps people from eating fruits and vegetables? What a crock. Just as all of those best lists we keep popping up on have to be taken with a grain of salt, so does something like this.