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Honestly, I would love to see the place comeback however, I am looking at the situation with a realstic attitude. The mall is old and likely cost more to operate then a store that can be built from the ground up. You also have to look at the fact the customer base is gone. Even if you could revamp the place and bring quality tenants back it will never do the traffic count it used to bring. You have to factor in that people have switched back to driving just a few miles from home. People are no longer drive all over the place to do their shopping. Gasoline cost too much to blow through it like it's candy. In Crossroads prime, $20 is the most people paid for a tank of gas. Now people are averaging $50-$75 a tank. Not to mention malls had the bulk of the stores. Today you can shop most of your favorite store in less then 10 minutes from your house.