This is a guest column in today's (1/10/2012) Journal Record (copyright, all rights reserved, yadda yadda) by OKC physician David Holden. What are everybody's thoughts on this? How does a physician stay in business without having to align with a hospital? What about tort reform, capping of fees paid by Medicare/Medicaid/insurance companies? Would you recommend medicine as a career to a young person today?

There is a dirty little secret in health care that is slowly rearing its ugly head: the growing number of private-practice physicians closing their doors due to potential personal bankruptcy issues. It’s an unfortunate reality due to physicians struggling to practice on their own while battling reimbursement cuts, changing regulations and astronomical drug costs.

The days of a Norman Rockwell-inspired physician on every corner are over in America. Federal health care reform is pushing doctors onto hospital payrolls.

“A lot of independent practices are starting to see serious financial issues,” said Marc Lion, CEO of Lion & Company CPAs LLC, which advises independent physician practices about their finances.

Physicians are developing exit plans for financial security that include changing career paths or selling their practices.

Over the past three months, hundreds of New York-area physicians have found new homes within hospital/health system walls. The situation is most acute for cardiologists, whose revenue has been hit by federal cuts for diagnostic procedures. A full 60 percent of the specialty’s businesses are in merger talks with hospitals or other practices, according to a recent survey by the American College of Cardiology.

There have been fundamental changes in reimbursement for all physicians, said Dr. Andrew Brotman, NYU Langone.

“They’ve made it more difficult for independent practitioners to operate, and many have sought other opportunities,” he said.

The trend toward physicians uniting with hospital/health system practices is not going to slow down anytime soon. Hospitals pay overhead that breaks a private physician’s piggy bank. Private-practice physicians are small business owners who must ride an economic roller coaster.

“A private practice is like a small business with the only difference being a third party, and not the customer, is paying for the service,” Lion said.

The third party strangles the private-practice physicians and forces them to pursue job security through alliances. Half of all physicians in America operate a private practice, so as regulations and insurance carriers continue to squeeze physician’s pocketbooks, more and more will close their doors for good.

Federal law requires that Medicare reimbursement rates be adjusted annually based on a formula tied to the health of the economy. Mandatory cuts are made every year. Unfortunately, no one is coming to the aid of physicians.