I wanted to take this time to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the men and women of the armed services. To the Marines, soldiers, squids and all others a safe Holiday season and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all other ways to celebrate the Holy Holiday. I know we fight like cats and dogs on the politics forum but we all agree we have brave men and women putting their lives on the line for our safety and our way of life. Please if you have the means to donate to the USO or other organizations that send care packages to our troops. It doesn't take a lot but it means the world to tell our hero's they are not forgotten and we care about them. Not only the brave men and women but also their children here in the states while they are over seas. We cannot have what we take for granted without their sacrifice.


There are many others but please give to the one of your choice.

Merry Christmas.... Kelly