Originally Posted by
Firstly, I didn't start with the photos, but you have to admit that an aborted fetus does resemble a fetus inutero. Many adamant right to lifers like to use photos for shock value alone, to more humanize the fetus. We were asked if we could look at that photo and say that it wasn't a human being or a baby or whatever, other than a fetus. I stated that I agreed that it was once alive and that appeared to be approx a 20 wk fetus. Then I produced a photo of a human being, not a fetus for comparison...I chose a dead one because a photo of a dead fetus was shown. I acknowledged that in my opinion, both were obviously living prior to their demise, the 20wk fetus being a fetus and the dead adult female being a human being. I have never said that a fetus wasn't alive, I just never said that it was a human being at that point. I don't know how else to explain myself, I am not trying to be cryptic. One more thing, it is obvious that this scene in the photo is not a regular hospital setting. You would NEVER see buckets of blood and used instruments lying around. In a medical setting, even the dead deserve and receive more modesty and respect than depicted in those fetus photos..obviously perfect material for abortion center picket signs