Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
As a general observation to some remarks made by both sides in this thread, if it is at all possible, can the tit-for-tat stuff be "stuffed" so that this thread remains on topic? If that can be done, perhaps this thread might qualify for a Nobel Peace Prize, or, if not that, perhaps an OkcTalk Peace Prize, or if not that, at least a thank you from me. Mucho gracias in advance.
Or not.
Doug, I was writing that in advance to you're request that this stay on topic so I didn't see your post untill after I had already posted mine so just disregard my post please and everyone else as well, that way we don't give Doug a heart attack from frusteration of people posting off topic BS on his threads. If you find this post off topic as well, then report me and ask that they delete all my posts from this thread cause I hate nothing more than disturbing the "peaceful". (or if the Mods would like to delete them anyways, go ahead)

P.S. I love you.