Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
Anyone can ride a bike in a suit.
...but I don't care to do that.

My bicycle is here in Austin right now and hasn't been on the road for 10 years, it is a Cannondale road bike and I have thought of making it into a crossover type of bike but just haven't got around to it, not that I would ride it for commuting to work either. The motorcycle is up there now and my friend commutes on his most of the time (77,000 miles on it) but his job is in the DTC and not downtown. I am a "car guy", I like my cars and plan to add a pickup and a race car to my garage in the future but just feel that taking the light rail to work would be better than putting the miles on my car. I bought my 2003 BMW Z4 Roadster in 2009 with 45,000 miles on it, I already have 87,000 miles on it now and driving 40 miles a day really racked up the miles, I am looking to keep the miles off that and a 3-4 mile a day commute will help that. For me commuting on a bicycle is a non-starter completely. If you had to commute on it everyday for work in Jax instead of just running errands on it you might have a different opinion but I had co-workers here who did, especially in our old office building which did have showers, when we moved to The Domain they commuted on their bikes less because we didn't have the same facilities. My opinion is that if it works for someone that is great, it just isn't the thing for me.

In a year if we buy a place closer to downtown, I may revisit how I commute but for now I will drive or commute by rail depending upon if I need a car or not that day.