This is my favorite discussion topic in the world. I have done a lot of it and covered just about every facet of it at some time or another.

Let me start with making the statement that I am an atheist. Now lots of people have differing ideas about what the word "atheist" means, so I will state that it is simply the position of not being a theist. This includes anyone who does not accept the claim that a god exists (which is subtly different from the acceptance of the claim that no god or gods exist) Simply put, anything that is not "theism" is "not theism", ie "Atheism".

And lets also clarify which gods I am talking about. You can probably find a pacific islander that will point to a totem pole and say "This is my god". Well I can certainly accept that the totem pole exists, it's just his claims of it's weather-controlling powers that I don't buy into. The Roman Senate once declared that Julius Caesar was a god: I think he existed, so I believe in his existence.

I'm specifically talking about any intelligent entity that is declared a supreme being and that is given credit for either the creation or continued governance of natural processes.

It is not acceptable to argue that "God is love" and point out that if I believe love exists (I do) then I believe god exists. The same goes for claims that "god is just the universe", because we already have a word for the universe: it's "universe". We also have a word for love already: Love.

So, here's the topic starter: Present your arguments about why a god must exist. I will engage with you on your arguments, and either present a counter argument, present ways to improve your arguments, or both.

NOTE: This is not a thread about disproving gods. Gods by definition are often unfalsifieable by definition, so a disproof may be improper or impracticable, and likely impossible. It is not the duty of a person to defend non-belief of a positive claim.