Greetings Earthlings

It is me again, Thunder. I got some reviews to list. More of a rant, but what the hell.

First, I just wanted to say that I was tired, but was not able to sleep just yet, so I went on a mini trip to a local Walmart Supercenter. Do I need to input the location? They are all the same, so who cares.

What I was looking for was something that I could not find. Upon asking an Associate of Walmart, that Associate had to ask another Associate, which I assume is on a sort of management level (or supervisor). I am quite sad to report that Walmart does not sell tiles. You know the 12x12 tiles for flooring. Yes, that is the one. It is quite unfortunate for Walmart to not be in the market to sell any of it, because I wanted to check on the quality, design, color, and price.

During the sad walk back to the only doors open during the overnight hours, I took the time to stroll through the seasonal Halloween department. I need a costume to wear throughout the month of October at Oklahoma's #1 market. Well, there are limited selections of Adult costumes compared to the vast, overwhelming, and mind-boggling amount of Child costumes. Anyway, I found the perfect costume (all black with perfect material to stay cool with neon light outline capable of three settings)! Unfortunately, on all the packages for this specific costume are labeled with One Size Fit All, which is extremely misleading. I knew this was going to be such depressing news, because I am 6 feet and 5 inches tall. Yes, I am tall. Nervously, I opened the package while reminding a nearby Associate that she should be not afraid as I am not going to steal. Upon taking the whole costume piece out, I applied it against me to see the expected result. Too short! Seriously? And the package says One Size Fit All? Now, that is misleading. Sadly, I repackaged the costume into the bag and hanged it back on the peghook. On the way out, I was thinking of different grounds for a lawsuit. Misleading information and the effect of emotional trauma.

That is all that I have to say about Walmart at this time.

On the Halloween costume, we have a Vendor at the Oklahoma's #1 market selling some Halloween costumes. There is a few, but none strike out to me. But, what the hell, they cost $3 each compare to $30 at Walmart. Its only for one night, right? Or in this case, each October weekend. *sighs*

Thank you for reading, OKCTalk members, I hope this post entertained you.