He seems to be following those things closely.
Doesn't matter, tax payer dollars are still being used. His point is a valid point.
Silencing dissent is the wrong move. You should welcome dissenting voices and discussion/debate around issues like this. $7,000,000 is a lot of money especially considering Hamm had planned a relocation to OKC regardless. Maybe $7,000,000 is over the top?
But when you look at the math, 700 jobs to downtown okc, thats 700 people living in/around OKC. At an average salary of 75,000/yr (likely a very conservative estimate) that is $52,500,000 the first year alone. Seems to me like the long run economics for the city make this deal look halfway decent. I wouldn't offer 15k/job especially since they were likely coming regardless. Nothing wrong with sweetening the pot...but wishing people would shutup because you disagree is not smart.