Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
megax, I'm laughing because in your own way, you got it right. The story should be posting at NewsOk shortly... but you deserve an early notice of it: Crossroads has indeed been sold ... to "two dudes," as you say - Michael Dillard and Roddy Bates. I'll let Richard Mize unravel the rest of the story....
Thanks to Megax11's insistence & Steve's "heads up", here it is:
Read more: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-rap...#ixzz1XtfUSxym
Local investors bought Crossroads Mall on Tuesday in a deal that will surprise people who assumed it was doomed: They plan to keep it open as a mall.

Mike Dillard and Roddy Bates, owners of Raptor Properties LLC, paid $3.5 million... As recently as June, the asking price for the 762,532-square-foot property was $6 million, one-fourth the $24 million asked when the mall property, which then included other space that has since sold, landed among Price Edwards & Co.'s retail listings in summer 2009.

Raptor Properties acquired the main mall building with 383,784 square feet; the former J.C. Penney store, 198,358 square feet; the former Steve & Barry's, 157,000 square feet; and the former Ward's Automotive, 23,390 square feet. Several other former Crossroads properties previously sold to other investors.
Now all we need is confirmation from the County Assessor's site to show that the deal hasn't fallen through at the last minute and the property has indeed (no pun intended) changed hands...