Best Buy's move to smaller location was bound to happen sooner or later regardless of Crossroads success or failure. There is no need for electronics stores to be the giant stores they used be. The majority of electronics have shrunk in size and companies have changed packaging materials to where they can ship more merchandise per truckload. Not to mention many items have become obsolete since the 90's. I predict the next thing to leave electronics stores will be recorded media. The days of buying movies and music on individual pieces of media are about to come to an end. That in itself is a large amount of floor space that will no longer be needed. In the next few years people will use the internet, vending machines or kiosks inside stores. People like the idea of buying only the tracks they like not the half-baked filler that filled LP's, Cassettes, CD's for years.

Since online retail is succeeding by leaps and bounds these days, I predict Brick and Mortar stores will have to offer specialty services like delivery, install and home shipping for out of stock items.

Which makes me wonder if places like Crossroads will even have a presence 5,10,15,20 years from now. Malls and shopping centers will need to evolve into social gathering spots in order to survive. Let's face it the days of killing a day to shop for something are just about over. You can find out all you need to know by the swipe of a finger on your phone or the click of a mouse or enter key.