This thread is abvout English Instructor position in South Korea. Well I think that I forgot the details. I will tell you more about this if you are going to work in this position. You also do not need to send me your official transcript and diploma until you work. You just need to send the documents directly after you decide to work and they decide to hire you for the job position.

**For Free beside of your salary
They wlll provide nice two or three bedroom apt during you are working in the institution.
They will provide good health insurance-medicare stuff.
They will provide your meal
They will give you free airflight ticket for your trip
Additionally, you can get bonus salary for hollyday breaks, your sumeer breaks, and many more up to your abilities and the boss.

Some of details are up to your boss and some of them are mandatory by the Korea's labor and employement law.

Your working area is kind of metropolitan, so many stores and events are avaliable. In addition, Convinient and cheap public transportation systems are avaliable. There are many bars, clubs, various people, and spots you should see. You can also enjoy Mac Donald, KFC, TGI, and many other western meal and many people from your country and other country. This job position is really flexible and not that strict because you are teaching language. In addition, this is really fun. The boss and other people are so kind and good.

e-mail me your resume first