I know this might be a hard time of the year for singles and I think I read that this is a hard day for some singles - maybe not.. but I wanted to say for all of you imagining all of the 'marrieds' having the most romantic evening of the year - some aren't going all out ... some are just doing what they do every other day of the year.. it's overrated in my opinion.

So married or not, don't feel bad if you don't have an expensive romantic candlelight dinner planned .. I"m sure some do but for me I think that the commercialism of it is just designed to encourage more money being spent and more money lining the pockets of business owners.

I think a heartfelt card and maybe flowers/candy is nice but I can't believe all of the diamond commercials floating around - those commercials are made to make people feel badly about Not getting a diamond - oh please. Forget the diamond guys, save up for a downpayment on a house or something useful ...

Anyway, count your blessings everyone :spin: