I think that a "one-off" sporting events would do well in OKC. I mean sports that wouldn't have a full slate of games in one location but contests that move around taking the whole spectacle from place to place.

I would have said NASCAR but that was before Dallas and Kansas got their tracks. Also that sport is not growing any more. NASCAR could have been huge here in OKC.

The Indy car race could be huge in OKC. It would be a "one-off" event, one day per year. It would require minimal investment from the city (15-20 million which is a far cry from the hundred of millions to build a new stadium). There wouldn't have to be a local owner because the teams are individually owned and the races are put on by the league. Sponsors would have to be found but I don't see that as too big of a problem. Fans wouldn't have the expense of season tickets. Just buy a ticket to the race. The race could take place in the summer giving Oklahomans "something to do". Also having the race in the summer would be after the NBA and college BB season's are over but before OU and OSU football starts. It could even be before the NFL training camps open.