Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
As someone who thinks this thread has been way too harsh on "Braums Manager," I'll admit that at this point I can't help but picture the man or woman seeing these latest bits (lost ogle, etc) and shedding a tear of shame, contemplating a career change. The investment in upgrading their stores, etc., certainly isn't matching their investment in social media, marketing and advertising. One must wonder if they're just begging for a competitor like Dairy Queen to come in and kick their butt.
I've been thinking about that. Compared to other regional fast food establishments, Braums' online presence is horrible. Their website is straight from the 1990s and their online offerings are far less than any competitor. Braums has a lot to market (fresher milk than nearly any competition, quick turnaround from farm to grocery, solid meat), but they are not taking advantage of the new opportunities that are out there. They really only need a small staff to completely turn around the marketing for the company.