March 1, 2006 is the deadline for all worplaces (including restaurants and bars) to comply with the new nonsmoking law.

Basically, all restaurants either have to go completely smoke-free or provide a separate enclosed area with excellent ventilation.

The only major excpetion are places that derive 60% or more of their gross receipts from alcohol sales AND do not admit anyone under 21.

While this isn't as strict as laws in CA, NY and several other states (they have no exceptions for bars or clubs) it should mean that virtually anyplace that serves food will be smoke-free in about a month.

I wrote Steve Lackmeyer an email suggesting this topic as a good one for a story, especially polling several of the local restaurants to see what their plans may be.

I can also tell you that out here in Cali, after a short adjustment period that revenues actually *increased* in restaurants and bars after the ban.

Anyway, this is a good step forward for the state and OKC IMO.

Here's a link to the full law: